Wives worry, then we cope – that is what must be done (Survey)

 So many people say: “Oh it must be so exciting being married to a pilot?” – it is - not always the good kind of exciting. For the big jet pilots and the helicopter pilots even though some of the dangers are different (the heli pilots don’t really worry about terrorism acts, even though there have been kidnaping incidences many many years ago) there is still that pesky weather to worry about and unexpected maintenance issues. So as I received this picture from Mr. Right I thought “This is a perfect time to do the “Are you afraid or worried when your husband is flying?” and how do you cope bit of the survey”.

I know he is not flying in this crap - see the oh so safely tied down helicopter above? Well the scary thing is that he is out there on the oil rig just hanging out with all the other guys who have to weather the weather with him and find shelter in the metal  buildings on an long stem suspended over the angry ocean – not a great bed night story.

I am hoping that all is well while the most terrifying scenarios play out in my head so how do you deal with them apples? So many of us have worries and here is what they are. Cont in Survey

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