Sooth your soul

It is day six on my own and one to go until he comes home. I felt so restless and scattered, frustrated, burned out. It seems that the scattered frustration has been lurking all week but today it really reared up. I was so tired and the though of him coming home for a tease of a couple of days just to go out for weeks again was too much. So I got into my sports cloths packed water and snacks and got on my bike with my little man in tow in his Schwin.  More Sooth your soul

Sometimes when I look up

Sometimes when I look up I catch the most incredible views of planes and helicopters. Yesterday I got couple of really neat pictures so here they are. These are of a medical transport helicopter landing and taking of from a hospital. It is so amazing the difference that aviation has made in saving lives. There are many stories that my husband shared with me from his Air transport dispatching days where if not for the helicopter and the crew the person in the car accident, labor, with a GI bleed or one who met another tragedy would have died. So scenes like this one as beautiful as they are from the ground also are life saving.

 The water spray if from a splash pad below

Enjoying Son and Mommy Time

As a pilot’s wife one experiences a state of constant change. Our family goes from busy busy busy because daddy is here to slow because it is just the two of us, my son and I. The time that our pilot is gone is lonely and the loneliness is magnified by the fact that we are very far away from our family. So how do you stay positive and nurture an environment of growth where your child does not feel like we only do fun stuff when daddy is home and life stops when he leaves. More ... Enjoying son and mommy time

Stake Diner for two

Sometimes you just need a stake and potato. My son actually asks for stake and corn on the cob. So I will throw a fliet minion on the grill and a baked potato. Yummm
Check out the recipe on Meals for two

1st Month

I would like to thank everyone for their support and for visiting and sharing my blog. Today is my one month anniversary and I have had 981 hits. I never thought I would have so many visitors in the 1st month. I have visitors from US, UK, Canada, Denmark, Poland, Israel, Qatar and Australia. I am looking forward to sharing more wisdom and learning along the side of every amazing woman that stands beside a pilot. Thank you for helping me make my 1st month a success. 

Sharing the parenting hat

Having a three year old and really any child at any age requires providing direction, guidance and involvement from parents. I believe that our job as a parent is to teach our son all of the necessary tools that he will need to become an independent, healthy adult. There is a saying “it takes a village to raise a child”. What if your village is thousands of miles away and you find yourself alone half of the time the other half the village is composed of two. How do you find the balance of sharing in parenting especially with the other parent travels a lot? More ... Sharing the parenting hat

Bye Bye Daddy

My husband has been a pilot before our son was born. His dad’s travels are pretty normal to him since he does not know anything else.  We have a good bye routine that works for our family. I always knew that the waving was something that our son enjoyed and found to be fun, I never realized until the other day how critically important this piece of routine was for our son. More on Bye Bye Daddy

Turkey Club for two

It is fun to do sandwiches once in a while so here is a Turkey Club
For recipe click Turkey Club

Pilot's Voice

There is a new section for our pilots where my husband and others will write about their perspective on this life we share. It seems very one sided if there are the wives points of views shared but the other half does not have an input. So if your pilot has an insight or an opinion please have him e-mail me a post and I will include it in the Pilot's Voice.

On the lifestyle from the Pilot himself
It took a long time and a lot of hard work to get where I am. I’m very proud of my accomplishments as a pilot and truly love what I do. With that in mind, it comes with a lot of unique challenges for someone that is also family oriented. For more ...
Pilot's Voice

No really I am FINE

No really I am FINE and to quote my favorite movie The Italian Job you know what FINE stands for Freaked Out, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional – yup that about sums it up. The paralyzing fear for his safety is overwhelming today so I am freaked to put it mildly.

No really I am FINE


I found few aviation quotes enjoy

"The propeller is just a big fan in the front of the plane to keep the pilot cool. Want proof? Make it stop; then watch the pilot break out into a sweat."

"Every one already knows the definition of a 'good' landing is one from which you can walk away. But very few know the definition of a 'great landing.' It's one after which you can use the airplane another time."

"The three best things in life are a good landing, a good orgasm, and a good s***. A night carrier landing is one of the few opportunities to experience all three at the same time."

"Flying is not dangerous; crashing is dangerous."

The double life of a pilot's wife.

A little glimpse of the switching of gears in the household of a pilot.

I needed some humor today

I needed some humor today so I looked for some funny helicopter pictures.

This is precious, and boy am I glad that my husband's helicopter is more sophisticated than this.


I am pretty sure this is photoshoped because if it is not this guy is having a really rotten day!